Preventive healthcare deals with the prevention of illness to decrease the burden of disease and associated risk factors. Preventive measures can be applied at all stages across the lifespan and along a disease spectrum, to prevent further decline over time.
Preventative health care stops potential problems from escalating into being real problems. It can dramatically increase your lifespan by helping you spot illnesses earlier on. You can prevent serious cardiovascular problems and even type 2 diabetes through regular health check-ups.
It is also much cheaper to invest in preventative health than treating actual diseases when they happen.
There are many ways you can practice this and maintain a linear health journey.
Eating a balanced meal filled with all the important nutrients is non-negotiable.
(here's an article on how to look after nutrition and diet link article) daily exercise along with meditation and enhanced breathing are other preventative measures that will help you achieve overall wellness forever.
Bodily health is one of the primary aspects of holistic wellness ( link holistic wellness article). Regular exercise helps keep the body in motion, It increases flexibility and augments muscle strength. Research suggests that consistent physical movement runs parallel with a stable mental health because The body’s response to physical activity is the release of endorphins (feel good hormones) which promote mental wellbeing. Physical movement is also associated with a lowered risk of cardiovascular diseases.
It is recommended to Stretch or workout for 10 - 20 min and walk 10,000 steps daily to prevent potential illnesses.
A concoction is something prepared or devised by combining different ingredients, it contains the health benefits of both the ingredients and hence is a highly useful preventative measure. Some examples of these include A mixture of Ginger, Honey and Lemon, A Combination of Garlic + Cumin + Honey, Some Lemon & Cucumber, Combining Carom seeds + Turmeric + Lemon grass, Chia seeds along with lemon and green tea. Concoctions help increase hydration and improve metabolism and digestion.
Preventative health nutrition involves many areas, it entails sleeping well and being hydrated along with consuming a well-planned diet. Having Balanced meals, the right vegetables and a variety of fruits is a part of this too. Include vitamin C,D and E In your diet along with minerals like zinc and magnesium, they help keep nutrition and growth in check.
Meditation keeps your mind at peace and is proven to uplift your lifestyle. Deep breathing, Diaphragmatic Breathing , Pursed lip breathing are all highly advantageous practices. Yoga & Pranayama help achieve flexibility and inner tranquillity.
Written By
Preventive Health and Wellness Specialist
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